Where am I now?

It’s been quite a while since I last blogged on WordPress.com, so I thought it was time for a quick update.


Since my last post when I announced I was moving to Fishbitt.com I have moved my personal blog again, to Teabass.com.

It has transformed into more of a journal, with less techincal stuff, reviews and guides and more of a diary. It details all the things going on in my life at the moment, which happen to be quite a lot!

I’ve finished Uni, although I still have an exam and piece of coursework to retake.

I’ve also started to go through the motions of setting up my own business, named Fishbitt. The website is not quite finished yet although it should be up within a week or so.


A few days ago I launched AndrewonRails.com, a blog/site following my journey into Ruby on Rails.

I’m pretty pround of the theme, which I made myself and I’ll be posting there daily too. If your just starting on RoR or already riding the Rails then check it out.

I’m still using Flickr too, almost up to one thousand pictures.

Some other useful links of mine are on my ClaimID which has links to all my online profiles and any sites I have something to do with, be it designer, contributer or just one of my domant domains.

Quick look at the stats shows I’ve had 100,000 views since I last posted here, there are still quite a few people subscribed to the feed and I’ve had 3,420 spam comments!!

I’m Moving

From today you wont find any new posts at Atariboy.wordpress.com.

I’ve had a great time with wordpress.com, the past 5 months on here have taught me a huge amount about blogging, the web and computers in general. I’ve had over 300,000 views, upwards of 400 subscribes and a top 5500 ranking on technorati.

I feel that I have outgrown wordpress.com, i feel very limited by them now; long and frequent downtime, a crappy and buggy editor and the lack of customisation. WordPress.com blogs are perfect for people who are jsut starting blogging or dont have much in the way of technical knowledge (we cant all be supergeeks!), but for me its just not enough anymore.

I’ve spent the last couple days setting up my new blog called Fishbitt.com

Its a wordpress install with a custom theme called Yellesh which i have modded to my own needs. Hosted on Dreamhost so i shouldnt have any bandwidth troubles either.

This will be my personal blog. Photography, geeky stuff and whats going on in my life, my geeky articles and tutorials will be put on GeekLimit.com.

I won’t be deleting this blog just yet, it has a good google ranking and gets a lot of hits which i can forward to my other sites now.
The only thing with Fishbitt at the moment is that the logo is a PNG and IE6 does not like PNGs!! The logo looks pretty rough, other than that it works on most browsers i think.

Personal blog @ fishbitt.com

Geeky Articles @ GeekLimit.com


Time for my big announcement….


Together with Dan from Technocrat, I've been working on a new Geek Team Blog. I'll be posting most of my geek and technical stuff over there and Atariboy.wordpress.com will become more of a personal blog concentrating on Photography, my life, blogging and more general things.

We have a nice handful of great bloggers on the Team including Jeff from Teknokool and Jens from Zhooibaal with more coming within the week.

We did have a geek girl but she seems to have disappeared, so if any of you ladies are up to the challenge then drop me an email.

Does this mean the end of Atariboy at wordpress?


I've taken to blogging like a duck to a special duck filled blogging pond, along with fixing computers, blogging is something that I feel I'm really quite good at. Geeklimit.com is a way to expand my blogging and seperate it out into geek stuff and photography and more personal things so that the geeks can just read the geeky stuff if they like.

We have also added a select amount of adsense, none on the front page, just if you go to read some of the more indepth articles, so hopefully I can earn a little money from blogging as well.

So check it out, the theme is the only thing left to do, we are planning a custom theme made especially for GeekLimit.com.

We'd love some feedback, comments and suggestions, there are lots of posts coming over the next week or so, hopefully you'll see us on the digg front page!

To subscribe to the RSS feed bookmark this link, or click on the RSS icon in the address bar.

Spring Cleaning

I've been busy cleaning the whole house and my computer the last couple of days.

Thats a pretty big thing for me, seeing as I'm student, a lazy one at that. Everything is nice and clean and working well. I've got the house to myself for a few days. I cant wait to get a place of my own, not having to worry about crappy housemates and having complete control of your own little space. I'm feeling a lot like that with my blog as well at the moment.

I've got a bit of an announcement to make tomorrow, something that i think many of the regular readers will enjoy and subscribe to, but that will have to wait until tomorrow :P

I've been making good use of my brothers laptop recently, blogging and typing up my report from my bed, its weird feeling almost like writing in a note pad while sitting on the sofa rather than being sat upright and proper at the pc. If you have a notebook/laptop and have never tried it then your missing out!

Talking of the PC, I'm planning some upgrades in the next week or two, mainly storage because i just dont have the money to do much more than that at the moment. I'm thinking of maybe a RAID5 or 6 configuration or having a Backup RAID1 to put all my important stuff on, I've got room for 8 more HDDs, I might as well make use of them!

I did have a few links to post, but it seems that i have managed to delete my blog folder.. grrrrr

Logo Competition Winner

Its been exactly 1 week since the Logo Competition closed.

Thank you to everyone who has entered, not only have you sent me some great entries but also inspired me to learn more graphic design, its a really interesting area and one i would like to explore further.

Before i announce the winner of the Atari 2600, here are some of my favourite entries:

And the winner is…..

Continue reading “Logo Competition Winner”